Pharmaceutical Treatments in Buffalo, New York
Call todayRelieve your pain with topical and oral medications
After carefully considering your pain management needs, our experienced doctors may decide to prescribe you pain medications to alleviate your symptoms and increase your tolerance to further in-house and referred treatment. Some examples of the pharmaceutical treatments we provide include:
- Steroids
- Neuropathic Pain Medications
- Muscle Relaxers
- Tylenol/Acetaminophen
- Opioids
- Lidocaine Patches
- Prescription Compound Creams
- Medical Marijuana Certifications

Responsible Pain Control
RESPMR understands the importance of and adheres to the highest ethical standards when prescribing medications to treat your car-accident related pain. That’s why we perform regular urinalysis and random pill counts to ensure you and our community’s safety. Rest assured that we expertly balance efficacy and security in all pharmaceutical treatment modalities.
Schedule your appointment and begin your road to recovery